Frequently Asked Questions
What offsite storage is standard for backups?
Off site storage is limited to 100GB per account for all plans. Where storage space will exceed 100GB we will reduce the number of backups to keep within the cap. This may mean that instead of 90 days of daily backups (Pro or Uber) that you have 25 days to keep within the cap.
This will affect sites with lots of regular changes i.e. Ecommerce sites, news sites, blogs etc. Please contact us if you require more backups than we currently maintain to discuss additional storage options.
How long do you guarantee the performance?
Our optimisation is guaranteed while there are no changes to the site.
Updates to themes, plugins, new images, changes to CSS etc will all result in some code being overwritten. The cache will still be effective but you may lose some points on your PageSpeed Insights score.
We are happy to revisit at 50% discount if you would like a refresh on your Page Speed Optimise.
Can Page Speed Optimise be used for my whole site?
Once we have optimised your main landing page and tuned the cache, each additional page starts at $9 + GST.
For very large sites we may reduce this further.
As an example, a 5 page web site will be $90 + $9 + $9 + $9+ $9 = $126 + GST
Please contact us to request a formal quote for your site.
What is a landing page?
A landing page is a page that is the focus of a search engine or advertising link.
The home page is the most obvious landing page for a site as the website url points visitors to this page.
Any page designed to be linked to from other sites including search engines, facebook advertising, AdWords or other advertising campaigns is a landing page.
To be effective, the landing page must load quickly and be well designed and secure (see https secure)
A slow loading landing page will often be unread as the visitor moves on to the next search result or becomes quickly bored and moves away.
What is Page Speed Optimisation?
Page Speed Optimisation is a process whereby the total page content is analysed and each element is optimised to increase loading speed.
- Images are compressed while maintaining quality
- CSS / JS files are minimised
- HTML is minimised to reduce load speed
- Cache is tuned or implemented
- .htaccess file is modified to provided compression of files
Typical page speed improvements as measured on Google PageSpeed Insights is 50 points or better on a scale of 0 to 100.
Can I engage you to keep an eye on my site?
Yes. We provide WordPress Management on a month by month basis and will keep your site safe and secure so you don’t need to worry.
Please contact us to discuss WordPress Management options for your site.
How long do you guarantee the service?
The service is guaranteed until the SSL certificate expires or work is carried out to the site.
We will rectify any issues caused by further development for 50% of the initial fee. Contact us for a coupon if this is required.
We have seen where themes or plugins has caused the https secure status to be lost. We will assist to find these issues if they occur and provide an estimate where major work is required.
What does your service involve?
- We check your SSL certificate is valid and installed correctly
- We scan your site for malware and security issues
- We audit your site and modify to ensure all content is delivered over https
- We report back any issues discovered during our service and discuss any further recommended work for your site
- Our service is per site.
What level of SEO do you offer as part of a management plan?
We offer a basic SEO service as part of a plan.
SEO consists of optimising each page for a keyword phrase (if required) and ensuring there are no page issues that would affect rankings and we use the Yoast plugin for this.
We are Yoast SEO Certified specifically for WordPress sites.
This service does not include measurement against competitors or competitor ranking, submissions, off page factors (link building or Social Media), or formal reports.
Google analytics will be integrated into your site and we will assist with setting up an account if you do not have one.
Further assistance may be requested through our assistance service or negotiated based on scope of work.
We also offer SEO, digital marketing, and GA4 integration services as additional services. Please review the links and contact us for more information.
Do you provide management services on WordPress Multisite installations?
We do not offer our regular maintenance service on WordPress multisites.
Please contact us for an evaluation and quote
Do you provide hosting?
We provide hosting to our management customers if required and you can select the hosting option at checkout.
We can assist you in finding a suitable host and offer a relocation service if required.
Our hosting is sold only to management customers to ensure all hosted sites are secure. This provides a “good neighborhood” for hosting and minimises the risk of being blacklisted due to the activity of others.
How do I access my Usable Time?
Send a request through your Dashboard and we will respond asap.
You will find a Support Button inside your dashboard that will allow you to connect directly with us. Alternatively you can also call or email to make sure we received your request or to provide additional details.
If the time you have is insufficient for the proposed task we will provide a quote for the additional time to complete the task.
What happens to unused time at the end of the month?
There are 2 types of usable time; Bonus Usable Time as part of your Management Plan and Assistance time purchased separately.
Any unused Bonus Usable Time is forfeited and the end of the month. This includes Bonus Time as part annual and monthly maintenance plans.
Assistance Time is purchased separately and lasts for 12 months. You may purchase Assistance Time in increments of 0.5 Hours with discounts for bulk time purchased.
There is usable time in my plan. What can it be used for?
Usable time is available for any task on your site. Examples of use of your time allocation:
- Advice on new functionality / selection of plugins
- Restore of previous backup
- Assistance with product entries in shopping carts
- Assistance with images – compression, size, appreance ect.
- Comment moderation
- Assistance with development
- Any legitimate task on your WordPress site
What do I need to provide once I have signed up?
Full admin access to your WordPress Admin to allow plugins to be added – You may create another account for our use or provide your details.
Note that we will be installing plugins, checking and testing plugins, and generally getting your site in order so you will notice changes next time you login.
We will also require your hosting control panel login (cpanel, plesk etc) and an ftp login if different. This will allow us to edit files, collect stats and error logs, and improve the current functioning of your site.
I purchased WordPress Assistance time. What can I use it for?
You can purchase WordPress Assistance time for any purpose and draw on the resource over a 12 month period.
We do provide discounts for bulk purchases of WordPress assistance time and this will be calculated within the cart at checkout.
If you have an issue with your WordPress site or can’t get something to look right why not use our services to help you get back to business.
Here is a list of some of the things that WordPress assistance has been used for:
- WordPress Site relocation
- DNS setup
- New WordPress site pages
- Moderating WordPress comments
- Setting up your WordPress configuration to lock down comments (anti-spam)
- Create and configure WordPress Forms
- Adding Captcha to a WordPress form
- Investigating clashes between themes and plugins
- Investigating hacks and rescuing hacked sites
- Consultancy on Shopping Carts / Ecommerce, WordPress plugins, and custome functionality
- Speeding up WordPress sites through caching, minimization, compression, CDN servers etc.
- New WordPress sites and designs
Can I still make changes to my site if it is under WordPress management?
Yes you can work with your site as you always have done.
You will notice some differences when you login. We will place some additional plugins on your site that we then use for remote management, backups, security etc.
You will be able to contact us directly through your WordPress console as we include a Support button and messaging system through our WordPress Management service.
We will see if you make changes and will notify you if any of these changes cause issues – plugin or theme problems are an example.
We can restore your backup if you inadvertently cause an issue or lose data. If you have a plan with usable time we will debit time from your plan otherwise we may charge for restorations. Where the restoration is due to a WordPress, plugin, or theme update that then requires a restoration of a previous backup there will be no charge or debit of your time.
We can also make any changes to your site on your behalf. Just contact us with your request and we can debit usable time or quote you for specific work. We also sell usable time in 0.5 hour increments for any purpose and you have 12 months from purchase before expiry.
My plan includes usable time. What can this be used for?
Usable time is available for any purpose on the site under WordPress management.
Some examples of where you can claim your usable time:
- Update to content – edit text, images, etc.
- Moderate comments
- Setup new plugins
- Update products in your Shopping Cart
- Investigate problems with your site
- Discuss new development
- Setup SEO on your pages
- Speed up your WordPress site
- anything that helps you get on with running your business.
What does the setup fee cover?
The setup fee covers the time required to setup WordPress management and update WordPress and themes / plugins as needed. In addition, many sites have issues after upgrade that must be rectified (if possible). In some cases new plugins must be found and configured to provide similar functionality. There is a reasonableness test applied and you will be notified if there is additional charges expected at which time you may cancel or proceed with the new pricing.
Each level of WordPress management has additional levels of scrutiny and measurement. Reports must be setup for each customer and the detail varies depending on the chosen plan.
We are always happy to answer questions and provide advice on your site. We also log all actions and always backup before we make changes so you know that your site can be restored if anything goes wrong.
We believe we provide the best WordPress Management Service in this sector and hope to have your site under our care in the near future.
Who is ManageWP Professional and why should we trust you?
A. We are a small business based in Australia providing Telecommunications, IT, Security, and Web services. We have been in business since 2000 and in that time have seen the introduction and growth of WordPress. In our day to day support business we have seen the take up of WordPress as the CMS of choice accelerate rapidly. Wordpress is incredibly flexible and allows people with little coding knowledge build impressive web sites. At the same time, the popularity of WordPress has meant that the dark side of the internet has taken interest in exploiting WordPress sites through WordPress core code, themes, and plugins. Regular updates are mostly in response to exploits and WordPress updates tend to ripple through all the plugins and themes as the developers catch up.
To cut short the story, unless WordPress sites are kept up to date they will be hacked. This might not be obvious as they may be using your server resources to spam email the internet or offer pirate downloads etc. Your web site may be involved in attacks on other web sites and servers without your knowledge.
We decided to offer a service to our customers to take on the regular updates and development tasks that were quickly overwhelming them and their business. We also found that many hosting providers were putting our customer sites at risk by not insisting that other sites sharing the same resources (server, IP address) were kept updated so we setup our own managed hosting with the goal of ensuring our customers web sites and data were safe.
We are dedicated, knowledgeable, and ready to provide a service to you. Please contact us to discuss your unique requirements without any obligation.