Page Speed Optimise Service

If you are serious about your business you will know that search engine rankings can make or break your site. Our page speed optimise service reduces the time to load critical pages improving the user experience.

Google have made their business about providing good quality search results to their search customers.  This means that they will rank sites higher based on their own criteria including trust, site speed, relevance etc.

Slow loading landing pages result in high bounce rates and user frustration.  Landing pages (named because the owner typically designs the page as an entry point to their site service or offer) must load quickly to ensure they keep the interest of the visitor.  If too slow they will just click on the next search engine link and move on.  Now if you paid for that click that was then ignored you have wasted your money.

High bounce rates can be reduced by ensuring your landing pages load quickly. Don’t pay for traffic unless your site has great page speed!

page speed optimise - 100% Satisfaction GuaranteedWordPress sites can be problematic when it comes to page speed. There are plugins which can assist by crunching images and attempting to minimise CSS and JS files but these can also cause the site to not load at all or corrupt the content.  The main issue with these is that they add another layer of processing (delay), can be very technical to learn and manage, and are another plugin requiring management.  Transfer of plugin ownership may put your site at risk of backdoor access and malware, ransomware, or even theft of processing resources for crypto-currency mining.  The best and safest way is to assess the page elements as they load and rectify issues with each raw file replacing with a minimised version and to also maximise the server performance through suitable cache implementation.

This service provides a full audit of your web site landing page and benchmarks the performance prior to any optimisation work.  We then optimise images and other associated code to ensure the page loads as fast as possible.  We tune the existing cache or implement a new cache and tune for maximum results.  Finally we provide a report of any issues identified and a comparison between the benchmark and the final result.

Note that there are additional steps that can be taken on the server side and we are happy to consult with you and provide a quote for server optimisation.

This service is designed for landing pages and can be extended to additional pages at a reduced rate.  Please contact us for a quote for full site optimisation.

We will require the following to perform this service:

  1. Access to your hosting management (CPanel, Plesk, etc)
  2. Admin access to your WordPress site admin

Users of this service who take up WordPress Management within 3 months of this service will receive free setup.

Page Speed Optimise Service

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do you guarantee the performance?

Our optimisation is guaranteed while there are no changes to the site.

Updates to themes, plugins, new images, changes to CSS etc will all result in some code being overwritten.  The cache will still be effective but you may lose some points on your PageSpeed Insights score.

We are happy to revisit at 50% discount if you would like a refresh on your Page Speed Optimise.

Can Page Speed Optimise be used for my whole site?


Once we have optimised your main landing page and tuned the cache, each additional page starts at $9 + GST.

For very large sites we may reduce this further.

As an example, a 5 page web site will be $90 + $9 + $9 + $9+ $9 = $126 + GST

Please contact us to request a formal quote for your site.

What is a landing page?

A landing page is a page that is the focus of a search engine or advertising link.

The home page is the most obvious landing page for a site as the website url points visitors to this page.

Any page designed to be linked to from other sites including search engines, facebook advertising, AdWords or other advertising campaigns is a landing page.

To be effective, the landing page must load quickly and be well designed and secure (see https secure)

A slow loading landing page will often be unread as the visitor moves on to the next search result or becomes quickly bored and moves away.

What is Page Speed Optimisation?

Page Speed Optimisation is a process whereby the total page content is analysed and each element is optimised to increase loading speed.

  • Images are compressed while maintaining quality
  • CSS / JS files are minimised
  • HTML is minimised to reduce load speed
  • Cache is tuned or implemented
  • .htaccess file is modified to provided compression of files

Typical page speed improvements as measured on Google PageSpeed Insights is 50 points or better on a scale of 0 to 100.