Who is ManageWP Professional and why should we trust you?
A. We are a small business based in Australia providing Telecommunications, IT, Security, and Web services. We have been in business since 2000 and in that time have seen the introduction and growth of WordPress. In our day to day support business we have seen the take up of WordPress as the CMS of choice accelerate rapidly. Wordpress is incredibly flexible and allows people with little coding knowledge build impressive web sites. At the same time, the popularity of WordPress has meant that the dark side of the internet has taken interest in exploiting WordPress sites through WordPress core code, themes, and plugins. Regular updates are mostly in response to exploits and WordPress updates tend to ripple through all the plugins and themes as the developers catch up.
To cut short the story, unless WordPress sites are kept up to date they will be hacked. This might not be obvious as they may be using your server resources to spam email the internet or offer pirate downloads etc. Your web site may be involved in attacks on other web sites and servers without your knowledge.
We decided to offer a service to our customers to take on the regular updates and development tasks that were quickly overwhelming them and their business. We also found that many hosting providers were putting our customer sites at risk by not insisting that other sites sharing the same resources (server, IP address) were kept updated so we setup our own managed hosting with the goal of ensuring our customers web sites and data were safe.
We are dedicated, knowledgeable, and ready to provide a service to you. Please contact us to discuss your unique requirements without any obligation.