WordPress Management
Data Breach Laws – Steps for your WordPress Site
Data Breach Laws – How to secure your WordPress site data. Data Breach Laws – How to secure your WordPress site data. Australia’s Data Breach Notification laws came into effect on 22 February 2018 and requires businesses to report all instances of personal data breaches. Businesses have a duty to report data breaches that are […]
Living in a safe neighbourhood – why where you host your WordPress site is more important than you think.
Living in a safe neighbourhood – why where you host your WordPress site is more important than you think. The neighborhood we personally choose to live in defines our lives in many ways. The quality of the air we breathe, the noise we are subjected to, the services locally available to us, the level of […]
Your online reputation is priceless!
Your online reputation is priceless! Why risk it? Your personal online reputation is fragile at best and depends on your online activities. Active usage of social media is enough to form an online persona that may not be true to yourself or worse, be detrimental to your future prospects. For some, the activities of someone […]
Technical vs Design and WordPress Site Care
Technical Support vs Designer. Who should be providing Site Care? Designers tend to be creative, at least the best ones are, and typically are considered to be artistic and “right brain” thinkers. IT specialists and technical support practisioners tend to be “left brain” thinkers and more aligned to mathematics and systematic logical thought. […]
ManageWP Australia – Why WordPress Auto Updates Are Not Enough
ManageWP® Australia – Why Auto WordPress Updates Are Not Enough WordPress core, themes and plugins all require updates on a regular basis. Many now offer auto updates – the option to automatically update to the new version when an update is available. While this seems to be a good idea and promises to make WordPress […]
ManageWP Australia – Maintaining WP Security
ManageWP Australia – Maintaining WP Security Security of your WordPress site is essentially about prevention of any unauthorised change that results in a loss of reputation, illegal or immoral activity, or misuse of resources. Methods of WP Security Breach Discovery of WordPress Admin Password The simplest form of WP security breach is discovery of your admin […]
Case Study | National Products Fulfilment
Case Study – Professional WordPress Management | National Products Fulfilment National Products Fulfilment (NPF) is Australia’s leading Order Fulfilment Company and recently contacted Manage WP® Australia seeking assistance with managing their web sites. One of their sites, Australian Fulfilment, was built using a custom Content Management System (CMS) by a company that has since gone out of business. The site […]
Total Cost Of Ownership – WordPress
Total Cost Of Ownership – WordPress Total cost of ownership is a financial term that considers the direct and indirect costs of ownership over the entire lifecycle of an asset, in this case your WordPress site. WordPress as a platform choice for your web site is attractive because it promises low costs (Free…..initially) and ease of […]